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Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN

Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN

Updated 08/12/23

Rules – 13/14YO & 15/16YO Divisions:

**Rules violations are to be identified at the time of infraction. We expect coaches to work together throughout a game to minimize any issues.

**In case of rain, see our Rain out Policy link for how games are completed.

Before the Game

1.  Games and practices will be cancelled due to weather on the decision of the league. Rescheduled games have priority over any practice schedules. We will provide 48-hour notice on rescheduled games.
2.  Please have your team warm up in the outfield prior to the game with no use of the infield – fair or foul territory – before the game. We do this to preserve the game prep that occurs to the field.
3.  Teams are to be in the dugout area ready to start the game five minutes prior to the scheduled game start.
4.  There will be a meeting at home plate 10 minutes prior to the game start between the umpires and head coaches. The coach that attends the plate meeting will be the only coach that communicates with the umpire throughout the game concerning rule interpretations. Rule interpretations are ok to discuss with umpires. Judgement calls may not be disputed.

Field & Game Limits

1. Base paths are 90’.
2. Pitcher rubber to home plate is 60’6”.
3. No new inning will start after 100 minutes. The maximum number of innings is 7. The clock does not stop for minor injuries or timeouts.  
4. The infield fly rule applies.
5. The dropped third strike rule applies.
6. Metal cleats are allowed.


1.  ALL bats used in the 13/14YO division must have the "USA Baseball" factory stamp to be used OR players can use a drop 3 BBCOR certified bat. Use of any other bats will result in an out called. This is treated as a dead ball where runners return to the base prior to the struck ball.

Player Participation

1. Teams bat all players in the batting order and use free substitution in the field.

Player Shortage & Sub Rules

1.  If you need a Substitute player due to a short roster (less than 10), use a player from the existing rec division or a younger division. The player must be registered in the current season with our club. 
2.   A sub may play any position except pitcher or catcher and may bat anywhere in the lineup as 5th or later.
3.  Subs must wear their team's uniform and not the uniform of the team they are subbing for. Subs from other teams are to be identified prior to the start of the game.
4.  Subs cannot be added to the lineup card once the game starts.
5.  Teams cannot sub using a player outside of our league. Penalty for any violation - Head coach suspension for next two games. Team loss recorded as 5-0.
6.  Teams may start a game with no less than 8 players. If a team starts a game and during the game gets to only 7 players, the game will be halted.
7.  If a player starts the game and leaves for any reason, they will be skipped in the batting order.

Score keeping

1.  An inning is complete when a team scores 7 runs or 3 outs are recorded, whichever occurs first.
2.  The home team keeps the official book. An adult from the visiting team should operate the scoreboard controller (if any use at the field).
3.  The mercy rule is in effect for all games: 15-runs after four innings.
4.  There is a 7-run rule limit per inning.
5.  Games may end in a tie.
6. We will not keep standings.

1.  New pitchers to an inning are allowed EIGHT warm-up tosses that include any in front, behind or on the mound. In case a pitcher is replaced due to injury or illness, the new pitcher will be given additional pitches to properly warm up.
2.  Existing pitchers are allowed FIVE pitches after their second and following innings.
3.  If three batters are hit during the game by a pitcher, that pitcher must be pulled from pitching and cannot return to pitch later in the same game.
4.  The pitcher must be pulled on the 2nd trip to the mound in the same inning.
5.  A pitcher may re-enter the same game unless he was pulled due to 2nd trip in same inning.
6. Pitching limits are as follows:

- Counted pitches are only those thrown to a live batter and exclude warm up pitches. 
- A pitcher once reaching the limit on a batter they started before reaching their planned max will be allowed to complete that batter. For example for 13/15YOs, the first pitch to a batter is 35. To complete the batter requires 4 more pitches. If pulled or inning ends, the count is recorded as 35.
- One day of rest, for example, means if a pitcher threw 28 pitches on Monday, they cannot pitch until Wednesday. 

Base running
1.  Lead offs are allowed are allowed.
2.  Any base can be stolen. Once the pitcher is on the mound, the play is considered stopped until the next pitch.
3.  Players must attempt to avoid contact. A Player can be called out if contact is not avoided; this is a judgment call by the umpire.
4.  There are no sliding method rules except at home plate. On any play at home plate, players must slide feet first, if sliding and avoid a collision with the catcher. If not sliding, they must also avoid a collision. The catcher may block the plate only if he has the ball. A head-first slide at home is recorded as an out.
5.  A base runner is required to do whatever is needed to avoid a fielder who is fielding a batted ball. A runner is out for running out of the baseline, only when attempting to avoid a tag.
get one warning.
6.  Courtesy runners are encouraged to be used for catchers. Use the last batted out as the courtesy runner.


Brentwood Ball Club
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Email: [email protected]

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