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Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN

Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN


The below represents plays that have created some debate about what the rule was. These are baseball rules, not rules interpreted by the Brentwood Ball Club. Hope these are helpful. 

When over-running first base, the batter-runner must veer to the right into foul territory? 
The batter-runner may cross first base and veer in any direction, provided the runner makes no attempt (not even a feint) to advance to second. After over-running or over-sliding first base, the runner is required to return to the base immediately.

If a batted ball hits home plate, it's a foul ball?     
Home plate is fair territory, as are the foul lines and first and third bases. A batted ball striking home plate is like any other batted ball and has no bearing on the determination of fair or foul.

A tie goes to the runner?     
No. At first base or on a force, the runner must beat the ball to the bag.

A runner is out if he runs out of the baseline to avoid a fielder who is fielding a batted ball? 
No. A base runner is required to do whatever is needed to avoid a fielder who is fielding a batted ball. A runner is out for running out of the baseline, only when attempting to avoid a tag.

The ball is dead on a foul-tip?         
A foul-tip is a batted ball that goes sharp and direct from the bat to the catchers hands and is legally caught. A foul-tip is not a foul ball though and the ball is not dead. It is a live ball strike (strike three, if appropriate), and all activities of a live ball are available. If it is strike one, or two, runners can steal or advance, as the ball is still in play, not foul. If it is strike three, it is a strikeout. If a foul tip is not caught, it is simply a foul ball.

How high must a foul ball be hit back at the catcher to be an out opportunity?
Some people will tell you that the ball must be hit higher than the batter's head for the ball to be considered a regular foul ball that can be caught for an out. There is no such rule. The only question the plate umpire must answer is whether the ball was hit sharply and directly. If yes, it's just a foul tip (and an out on a third strike). If no, it's a foul ball and can be caught for an out (regardless of the count).

When does a perceived foul tip become a foul ball?
The ball has to be caught by the catcher to be a foul tip. Any ball swung at and lightly contacted, if not caught by the catcher, becomes a foul ball.

A runner can be stopped or helped by a base coach?      
The runner is out when a base coach physically assists a runner in advancing or retreating.

Runners may not advance when an infield fly is called?  
The result of an infield fly is the batter is out regardless of whether the ball is caught or not. If the fly is caught, the runners must tag and may then advance at their peril. If not caught, the runners are not required to tag up, of course, and again, may advance at their peril.

The hands are part of the bat?       
The hands are not part of the bat. They are part of the batter. If a pitched ball hits the batter's hands while trying to avoid being hit, you have a batter hit-by-pitch. The ball is dead and the batter is awarded first base. If the batter is swinging at the pitch when hit, you do not have hit-by-pitch. You have a strike. The ball is dead, but there is no base award; and, if it's strike three, the batter is out.

A pitch that touches the ground before reaching the plate cannot be hit?         
The only thing outstanding about a pitch that bounces prior to reaching the plate is that it cannot be a called strike. However, it can still be a swinging strike, a foul ball, a called ball, or a clean hit.

If the fielder's feet are in fair territory when he touches a batted ball, is it a fair ball?
Unlike football, in baseball, fair/foul is determined by the position of the ball, not the player, with respect to the foul lines at the moment the ball is first touched.

The ball is dead any time an umpire is hit by the ball?     
If an umpire is hit by a batted ball before it passes a fielder, the ball is dead. On any other batted or thrown ball, the ball is alive when the umpire is hit with the ball. Umpire interference also occurs when the plate umpire interferes with the catcher's attempt to prevent a stolen base.

The home plate umpire can overrule other umpires' calls?         
No umpire may overrule another umpire's call. An umpire may, at his or her discretion, seek out advice or consult with another umpire on a play, but is under no obligation to do so.

A batter can’t be called out for interference if he or she is in the batter’s box?
A batter can be called out for interference if the umpire decides interference could or should have been avoided.

A batter should be out if a bunted ball touches the ground and bounces back up and hits the bat?
This depends on whether the batter was in the batters box. If he or she is, then it’s a foul ball. If he or she is not, then he or she is out.

A base runner running between 1B and 2B and struck by a batted ball is always out? 
The runner is not out if a batted ball was first deflected by a fielder or if the umpire is convinced that the ball went through or past the fielder untouched, and in the umpire's judgment no other infielder had the chance to make a play on the ball.


Brentwood Ball Club
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Email: [email protected]

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