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Updated 05/27/24

Summer Rules – 4/5YO and 6YO Divisions:

Any game started that is stopped due to weather will not be rescheduled.

Before the Game

1. Games will be cancelled due to weather on the decision of the league.
2. Teams are to warm up in the outfield prior to the game with no use of the infield – fair or foul territory – before the game. We do this to preserve the game prep that occurs to the field.
3. Teams are to be in the dugout area ready to start the game five minutes prior to the scheduled game start.

Field & Game Limits
1. Time limits are 60 minutes from scheduled start time. If you start late, the game end time is still one hour from the scheduled start time. Coaches may end games early.
2. For both age divisions, a coach will attempt to pitch to each batter from a short distance and usually from one knee. If the batter is unsuccessful at five pitches, a tee is used. Batters may immediately use a tee if desired.
3.  In 4/5YO play, runners do not advance past a single base during an at bat.
4.  In 6YO play, a player hitting the ball to the outfield may advance another base as can the runners in front of the batter.
5.  Outs in the 6YO division result in the player returning to the dugout while we keep players on bases in the 4/5YO division. 
6. Teams bat all players per inning. The last batter is to run around the bases to home plate. Teams may agree to bat less players if desired.

1. All bats must have the "USA Baseball Stamp" to be used. All other bats are illegal and cannot be used. There are no exceptions.

Player Participation
1. Teams must bat all players and use free substitution.
2. If you have more than 9 players, no player is to sit two consecutive innings on defense.
3. Players arriving after game time will be placed last in the batting lineup order.

Score keeping
1. We do not keep score.

Player Positioning
1. All players are to be placed in one of the following 9 positions – 1B, 2B, SS, 3B, P, RF, RCF, LCF, LF. If you have more than 10 players, additional players may be placed in the outfield. We suggest one of the assistants or parents take the more than 5 outfielders to the corner of right field and practice grounders, short toss, etc.
2. The pitcher must wear a helmet but must only be their helmet.
3. The outfielders must be in the outfield grass. The outfielders must be positioned behind the start of the outfield grass until the ball is hit.


Brentwood Ball Club
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Email: [email protected]

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