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Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN

Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN

Updated 06/22/24

FALL 2024 Recreational Softball Program

Registration opened at 10:00AM on June 12. Last day for the early bird savings is June 26.

The Brentwood Ball Club provides an opportunity for youth players to have a place to play organized softball in the city of Brentwood. As the service provider of baseball for the City of Brentwood, 75% of our 12YO & Younger players must reside in the city of Brentwood, while 60% of our 13YO & Older players must reside in the city of
Brentwood. 85% of our players must reside in Williamson County across all ages. While players residing outside the city of Brentwood are welcomed, they will have to pay non-resident fees to participate in our fall season.

Age Divisions We Offer
1.  The division to register your player for is based on their age on September 1, 2024.

2.  Our divisions are as follows: 5/6YOs, 7/8YOs, 9/10YOs, 11/13YOs.

Format of the Age Divisions

We follow the rules as determined by the Williamson County Park & Rec (WCPR) Department. This is necessary because most if not all of our age divisions will not have enough teams in each division to only play Brentwood vs Brentwood or Brentwood head coaches want to play teams outside of Brentwood.
-   For 5/6YO, a coach will pitch to batters from ~27’
-   For 7/8YO, a coach will pitch to batters from 35’
-   For 9/10YO, this is kid pitch play with a mound at 35' feet
-   For 11/13YO, this is kid pitch play with a mound at 40' feet

How to Register:
Click here if you do not have an account through our website and need help registering.

Fees & Discounts When Registering

1.  The Division Price varies by division and includes the following:
  -   5/6YOs: full player uniform; shirt for up to three coaches (requires volunteer record creation); game balls; practice space; player supplemental insurance; participant trophies 
  -   7/8YOs, 9/10YOs, 11/13YOs: full player uniform; shirt for up to three coaches (requires volunteer record creation); catcher’s gear; game balls; practice space; player supplemental insurance; umpire fees 

2.  The credit card Processing Fee is what the credit card company charges to process your payment. 

3.  A $3.00 Service Fee is charged by our webhost for every transaction that occurs. If you are registering more than one player, you can register them together and avoid paying the fee for every player. This fee is not refundable.

4.  A $50.00 Non-Resident Fee is charged if your player does not reside in the city of Brentwood. This amount is transferred to the city of Brentwo od Park & Rec Department in September.

5.  A $50.00 Non-Williamson County Resident Fee is charged if your player does not reside in Williamson County. This amount is transferred to the city of Brentwood Park & Rec Department in September.

6.  We provide a $20.00 per player Early Bird Discount for the first two weeks of registration (last day as June 26).  Your order has to be submitted by you before the cutoff, regardless of what the delay is.

7.  A $15.00 Late Fee is charged if you register after 07/10/24.


1.  If a refund request for any reason is made prior to 07/11/24, we will refund the price paid less the $3 service fee and $20 handling fee.

2.  Starting 07/11/24, we will not provide any refunds.

How Teams are Formed

Teams are formed in the fall based on parent requests.

Coach Requirements
1.  To be recognized as a coach, you must create a volunteer record every season.

2.  As well, you must submit to a background check every 3 years - click here

When Practices Occur
1.  Practices may occur any day of the week and will be scheduled at Crockett Park.

2.  The length of practice will depend on the age group. Our younger ages will get shorter times (60-75 minutes) and older age groups will get longer times (up to 105 minutes).

3. Practice times start during the week at 5:00PM. Weekday times are typically as follows:
  -   5/6YOs practice 4:45-6:00 or 6:00-7:315.
  -   7/8YOs and 9/10YOs practice 5:00-6:30 or 6:30-8:00.
  -   11/13YOs practice 5:00-6:45 or 6:45-8:30.

4.  Weekend practices usually start as early as 9:00AM on Saturdays and 12:30PM on Sundays.

5.  Prior to games starting, teams will be scheduled for two practice slots per week. Once games start, it is one per week and the frequency of use by head coach may vary. 

Where Games Occur 
Most league games will occur at Crockett Park or at Fly Park (3640 North Chapel Rd, Franklin).
But, as we are a part of the softball program with WCPR, some games may occur at the below parks:
   -  Nolensville Park, 2310 Nolensville Park Rd, Nolensville
   -  Grassland Park, 6759 Manley Rd, Brentwood
   -  Cheek Park, Claude Yates Dr, Franklin
   -  College Grove Park, 6665 Arno-College Grove Rd, College Grove

When Games Are Played
Fall games are limited to weekdays and will occur as follows:
  -   5/6YOs and 11/13YOs will play on Monday evenings.
  -   7/8YOs will play on Tuesday evenings.
  -   9/10YOs will play on Thursday evenings.

What to expect
1. Practices start the weekend of 08/02-08/04. You should expect to have a 60 to 120 minutes practice (your first of the season) that weekend depending on your age division.

2. Leading up to games starting the week 08/19, you should expect to have two scheduled practices per week, but weather could impact whether that occurs.

3. Once your games start, 7YO & older will have one weekday game per week and one scheduled practice.

4. The last scheduled game is planned for 09/26, but you could have a makeup game or two as we will end 10/03.

For additional date specific info, click here.




Brentwood Ball Club
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Email: [email protected]

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