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RULES for 4th & 5th Grade Girls

 – 28.5” ball / 9’ goal             

- A team must have five players in order to start a game. There is no grace period. Once the number of players for a team gets down to less than four, the game will be called, and a forfeit will be declared for that team.
- The home team must provide an adult to keep the official scorebook for the game. They will sit next to the scoreboard operator our club will supply.
- When facing the scorer’s table from the center of the court, the home team sits to the left and will warm up before the game on the opposite end. They also use that basket in the 1st half.
- Each team brings their own balls to warm up prior to a game.
- The home team wears the white side of the player shirts.
- Only the Head Coach and one Assistant Coach will be allowed on the team bench during a game.
- There will be a 2-minute half time intermission for each game. 
- Games may start up to 5 minutes early vs their scheduled start time.
- Teams are provided 2 timeouts per half. No carry-over.
- Games may end in a tie in the regular season.
- We use a coin toss for this division, thereafter alternating possessions.
- In case of a 20-point difference, the score will stop being tracked on the scoreboard and moved to 0-0.
- If a player on the floor becomes injured during a play and a foul is called and they cannot shoot the free throw, the substitute player must come in and shoot the free throw. If no substitute is available, then the coach may select a player on the court to shoot the free throws.

- Every player must wear the shirt provided for this season or if not, they cannot participate in their game.


- All coaches must remain in front of their team bench or be subject to a technical foul.
- Any player or coach (regardless of the number of teams they coach) receiving two technical fouls for unsportsmanlike conduct during the season will automatically receive a one game suspension. 
- Any player or coach assessed a second technical foul in a single game will be required to leave the property immediately.  League suspension will be enforced in the next scheduled game. 
- Any player or coach, (regardless of the number of teams they coach) receiving a total of three technical fouls during the season will be suspended for the remainder of the season for all teams, including the post-season tournament. 
- Any team receiving a total of three technical fouls in a single game will result in a forfeit of the game at the time of the third technical foul called and suspension from the next scheduled game. 
- Any team receiving a total of three technical fouls throughout the season will automatically receive a one game suspension.
- Any person receiving a game suspension is not allowed at the gym at any time. 


- Any player participating in a violent act, such as fighting, biting, kicking, or swinging at another player, etc., shall receive a two-game suspension on the first offense and permanent dismissal from the league on the second offense.  A technical foul must be called on the player. 
- Any player or coach under the influence of alcohol or any other illegal drug, participating in any game or practice, shall be dismissed from the league immediately. 
- Any player attempting to dunk or grab on to the rim will automatically receive a technical foul and be ejected from the game and will not be allowed to play for the remainder of the game. 
- Spectators are not allowed to harass players for the opposing team.

- It is recommended that each player play a minimum of 15 minutes.

- A game consists of two 20-minute halves with a running clock. The clock stops for timeouts and then the last 60-seconds of each half on the referee whistle.
- In case of a 15-point lead, the clock will not stop.

- A player may only score and be given credit for a maximum of 22 points for the entire game. If a player has 21 points, he/she can make one more basket and the points will count. If a player is fouled and has 21 points, he/she will be allowed to shoot both free throws and any resulting points will count. If a player is fouled after accumulating 22 points, the coach of the fouled player may select a player that is currently in the game to shoot free throws.
- Isolation plays are not allowed.
- Free throw shots occur from 14'.

- Teams must play man-to-man (player-to-player) in the front court only for the first half. Teams may play any defense in the 2nd half, although only a half-court defense is allowed if up by 10 points or more.
- A player more than 4 feet from the opponent they are guarding is considered as playing zone defense.
- Before any defensive pressure may be applied in the front court, the offensive player with the ball must have both feet and the ball in the front court.  The defensive player must be at least 6 feet from the mid court line.
- When playing man-to-man in the first half, double teaming is only allowed in the 3-second lane.

- All other play will be governed by the rules set forth by the National Federation of State High School Association.

- Each team will participate in a single-elimination tournament that starts the day after the last regular season game.
- Overtime for tournaments is 1-minute, then 1-minute, then sudden death.


Brentwood Ball Club
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Email: [email protected]

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