To all active users in our system to include those already registered for our basketball season
We have reopened the waitlist for our basketball registration until 8:00AM tomorrow for the following divisions: Pre-K/Kindergarten Coed, 5/6YO Girls, 1st Grade Boys, 2nd Grade Boys, 2nd/3rd Grade Girls, 3rd Grade Boys, 5th Grade Boys, 6th Grade Boys and 7th Grade Boys. While these divisions are full, each has fewer than 5 on the waitlist and some on the existing waitlist may no longer be available if activated.
We are not opening our waitlist for 4th Grade Boys, 4th/5th Grade Girls, and 13/14YO Boys due to the number of players already on the waitlist.
We still need head coaches across several divisions. If you are interested in being a head coach and your player is on the waitlist, we most likely could activate your player if you volunteer to head coach.