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Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN

Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN

The home team in each game will provide an adult to keep the scorebook.
Click here for how to keep the scorebook. This applies for an adult from the home team for each game.

FYI: Click here to access the rules to each age division. Click here for a summary of the rules at all Brentwood gyms. This will be printed at the scorer's table.

Click here for the actual games that will occur.

Crockett, Lipscomb will use a console-controlled scoreboard -see below.

Edmondson, Jordan, ISC will use a tablet-controlled scoreboard - see below or click here for the instruction guide on using the tablet.

Brentwood Middle, Scales will use a portable scoreboard -see below - controlled on the back or by a remote

Details of games for 12/14:




Brentwood Ball Club
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Email: [email protected]

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