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Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN

Baseball, Softball & Basketball in Brentwood TN

News Detail


Nov, 2024

Post Registration Changes

This was sent to those registered for spring rec baseball or softball by 11:00AM on 11/17:

This email is going to those that have already registered a player for our upcoming spring 2025 rec baseball or rec softball season:

If after registering, you need to change any entries that you make, you can still log into your account and click the pencil icon and make those changes. As you click "update" on your record, the system usually does not advance to another screen. It just stays on that screen. 

For baseball, if you are desiring to use a grade exception for your player and it follows those in the rec baseball link, let us know so we can make that change. 

We are hoping to get several sponsorships this spring. Here is the link for more information if interested.

And if you want to update your email address, you have to create a new account with that new email address. Once complete, let us know and we can merge all accounts so all of your history with your account moves to the new account.

If there are any questions about the above, just let us know.

Brentwood Ball Club


Brentwood Ball Club
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Email: [email protected]

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